The effects of frequent cell phone use is a sore subject for many people, but that doesn’t mean we should never talk about it. In a world that seems to demand we spend more and more time on our phones or other screens, it’s important to be aware of how our actions affect our health. This article will focus on how phones affect our skin health and provide a few tips to help protect against the damage we inadvertently subject ourselves to.

What’s On Your Phone Is On Your Skin

Some days it may feel like your phone is just an appendage of your hand. But there’s one key difference: you don’t wash your phone as frequently as you wash your hands. Your phone collects bacteria and germs from everything you touch and everywhere you put it down. Since your phone screen is warm, both from the heat of your hands and from the battery inside it, it’s a great place for bacteria to grow and thrive. Many people have the unfortunate habit of resting their phone against their face while they talk. If this sounds like you, here’s why you should stop doing this immediately. 

Your Phone Screen Transmits Bacteria

Your phone is covered in bacteria and dirt which can spread through contact, meaning that when your phone touches your face, the invisible dirt on it is transferred to your face. This creates a lot of work for your facial skin, which has to protect you from these potential toxins. When this happens, the results may include acne or inflammation. 

You can help decrease the burden you put on your facial skin by simply not resting your phone on your face. I know, it’s easier to talk about breaking a habit than it is to actually stop, so here’s an easy step to help you while you work on it: start disinfecting your phone every now and then – the more often the better (but more than once a day might be excessive). Most antibacterial wipes are safe for cleaning your phone screen, assuming the screen is intact and no liquid can seep through.  

Blue Light May Be Aging Your Skin

Electronic screens emit blue light, which is a type of high-energy visible light. It is weaker than UV rays (which are the main reasons you need to wear sunscreen) but still quite powerful. Research has found that blue light causes the formation of free radicals (1, 2). This process is also referred to as oxidative stress, which is one of the factors that plays a role in the aging process. A buildup of free radicals can damage cell DNA and RNA. 

The effects of free radicals on facial skin generally manifest as hyperpigmentation, photoaging, inflammation, and wrinkles. However, blue light is also found in sunlight, and the blue light that comes from your screen is significantly less strong. Therefore, any aging effects from your smartphone screen are probably very slight, especially if you use a sunscreen which protects your skin from harmful lightwaves, regardless of if they originate from the sun or from your screen. 

Even if the oxidative stress caused by your phone screen is very little, free radicals are always abundantly present from other biological processes and still able to cause aging. This is why antioxidants are such popular ingredients in skin care products. For example, a vitamin C serum can neutralize free radicals. Adding Agelyss Vitamin C Serum to your skin care routine can do more than just reduce oxidative stress, it can also diminish skin discoloration, brighten skin, and support collagen synthesis to prevent wrinkles. 

The Bottom Line

From a cosmetic standpoint, your phone really doesn’t do all that much damage. But that isn’t to say that it has no effect on your skin. By increasing your exposure to blue light as well as spreading bacteria to your face and irritating your skin with the friction of it, your phone does make an impact on your skin health. If you want your skin to look and feel its best, you need to address every factor that influences its health and appearance.

Remember, a thousand small impacts make a big impact, so just because the cosmetic effects of frequent phone use may seem small doesn’t mean they’re negligible. This is why we highly recommend using a vitamin C serum. Adding a vitamin C serum or other antioxidant cream into your routine will do more than just defend against the effects of a phone screen, it will also promote healthy skin to give you a more beautiful, Agelyss look.