Agelyss products are made with patented and clinically studied active ingredients in order to guarantee the best results. With each product that we sell, we want you to know what’s in our products and how they will work for your skin. While we try to keep things simple on the product pages, this blog post is for those who want a deeper understanding of our spotlight ingredients. Today’s focus is Volulip™.

What is Volulip™?

Volulip by Sederma is an extract from the Kiss-Me-Quick plant combined with the natural matrikine peptide Pal-KMO2K (which is an amino acid chain) and a base (1). Its main function is to stimulate Hyaluronic Acid synthesis, which increases hydration inside the skin. Additionally, it supports the production of collagen and fibronectin, which are connective tissue proteins that give the skin its shape. In essence, Volulip enhances the skin’s natural moisturization process which increases lip volume while also strengthening the structure of the skin for a firmer, less wrinkled appearance.

For more information, take a look at the research below.

Clinical Trials On Volulip™

In a clinical trial that lasted a month, 29 female participants applied 1% Volulip twice a day. Following this trial period, lip shape, youth, and hydration were evaluated. Spoiler: an improvement was found in each of these areas. 

Lip Shape

For this assessment, softness and curvature were measured. Softness is determined by how smooth the flattest area of the bottom lip is (around the center of the bottom lip). The researchers observed a 10.5% increase in softness in 83% of the volunteers. Curvature was measured according to the radius of an imaginary circle drawn in the center of the lips. There was a 9.2% increase in curvature in 69% of participants, meaning that these participants experienced an increase in overall lip size.

Lip Youth

Lip youth was studied via an echography, which you may be familiar with under the name ultrasound. An echography uses soundwaves to create an image of body organs or tissues. According to the results, using Volulip twice a day for a month increased lip firmness and density by 13.3% and 8.5% respectively. These results are likely due to Volulip’s ability to increase the synthesis of collagen and fibronectin which support skin structure. 

Lip Hydration

20 hours after the last application, the researchers examined moisture content in the lips compared to before the 1 month trial. The findings indicated a 50.6% increase in lip hydration in 97% of the participants. This makes sense considering that in vitro studies (test tube studies)  found Volulip to increase the moisture molecules hyaluronic acid and aquaporin 3.

How to get the most out of Volulip™  

To maximize the lip-plumping effects of Volulip, Agelyss combines it with 4 other patented and active ingredients in our Lip Plumper. Combined with SYN®-COLL, Trylagen® PCB, and Stay-C®-50 for boosting collagen production, as well as Argireline® NP for reducing fine lines, Agelyss Lip Plumper provides the ultimate lip plumping and smoothing effect for more luscious, Agelyss lips.